Monday, July 27, 2009

OM - Finishing Thoughts

I have been home for a few days, and it's been great. One thing I decided on my flight from Detroit to Kalamazoo is that I love Michigan! I had a window seat at the front of the plane, and it was just beautiful. I got to see Battle Creek, Gull Lake, and Richland Bible Church. Michigan has tons of trees! I miss the trees and the hills, especially in Indiana.

I still haven't heard back anything about my support. I can't get a reimbursement check for my expenses nor can I send in my insurance information until Uruguay sends us the receipts for the hospital and plane ticket, which I don't think they've done yet. I'm still trying to contact people in Uruguay to work this out.

A lot of people came to our house yesterday for my mom's retirement party, and my trip to South America was a big topic of conversation. I'm so glad that I had that opportunity and that I was able to share with people some of what God has been doing this summer.

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