Wednesday, July 8, 2009

OM - Day 38

Yikes. Things are going nuts. A short overview of the last two days of OM Uruguay:

Their email is broken. Very, very broken. Hazahel made official OM accounts for everyone at OM Uruguay, and it is taking time to convert everyone's email accounts over (today I have only done 2 of them). At the same time, I am also trying to work on setting up a new server because their old one is so slow. The easy way would be to backup to tape or DVD, and them restore the backup on the new server. Right? No. Nothing works. I tried getting the server to think a hard drive was a backup tape, but it didn't work. So for now, I am copying all the data from the old server to a hard drive the old-fashioned way (through my laptop). It's not an official backup though, so I'd have to set up all the users and groups like the other server, and I will not have time for this.

The other problem is that the next bus leaves here at Saturday 9pm and arrives in Brazil Monday 3am. This is bad, because my plane leaves Brazil Wednesday 11pm, which only gives me 2, maybe 3 days to work in Brazil. I'm trying to get in contact with them to see what all they want me to do. I'm also trying to call customer service to see if I can change my flight to a later date (I'm guessing not). I don't have nearly enough time in Uruguay. What I need is a full 2 weeks to get things sorted out. Plus, the Latin American time schedule that everyone else works out of means things don't get done. They just don't, and I'm stressed trying to do too many things that I'm not qualified to do.

The other, other problem is that I'm still quite a ways short on support. Thanks to those who have helped! If you want to help me get home, it's fun and easy:
  1. Go to in your favorite web browser
  2. Click the button next to "Give to support OM's ministry through a person" and click "Next"
  3. Enter your information in the appropriate boxes. Enter my name as "Jesse Denardo" and missionary code as 2268760.

The other, other, other problem is that my laundry is cold and wet. At least, I'm assuming it is since the sun wasn't out at all and my laundry was hanging up all last night.

I really hope Brazil has hot showers. I won't count on it though. Thus far 2 out of 5 places have had hot showers, not counting Atlanta.

Fortunately, a disaster here was just averted. I think it was a problem with the IDE cable, but I seriously thought the hard drive had died. But now, we are back to our old state of everything being broken. Nothing worse.

1 comment:

Zoosprings said...

You are qualified, otherwise God wouldn't have put you there :)